so meg looked at the fabric swatches attached to the glider on the floor at babies r' us and picked her color. then she sits down with miserable-unexcited-employee man, tells him which color she wanted, he took her information, and then he said:
"okay, your order has been placed and it will be here in two to three.... MONTHS."
to which meg thought "DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE TWO TO THREE MONTHS???" apparently miserable-unexcited employee man was also not very observant.all that to say, that's the reason the glider is brown. (it's the only color that you can get in two weeks instead of months.)
but we're thinking that worked out pretty well and is even better for the nursery than what meg had originally picked out...especially since it shows every single one of our dog hairs, which means meg and brett won't be able to forget about us when karis is here!
you might have also noticed the great table next to the glider:
it's from one of meg's favorite stores in the world, the nest (used to be second hand rose). you can visit their blog here, but you should also go to the store because they burn the most delicious smelling candles and it's just generally a fabulous place. just fyi.
we've also discovered one of our very favorite things about karis... STUFFED ANIMALS. this is my (libby's) current favorite: